Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lets Get Started with First Step : be original no copying of content

This step is most important step because if you don’t have the original data created by you, your blog or website is not going to pull the crowd or visitors you need for earning more from your blog. If the blog that you have posted is not original or copied from some other source it will work in negative manner for your visitors. For example a visitor who comes on your website feels that this blog has been copied or is not latest, he will leave your site and this impression (Remember first impression is the last impression) makes sure in the visitors mind not to visit the blog next time.

Now how to be original, it’s very simple.

First you decide what topics you need to cover. Then do some research on the internet, books or any kind of data that can be useful in writing your own blog or post. Once you have collected enough data get to the work for creating your own original post for your blog.

If you don’t have time for writing then you can get the freelancer writers who write many articles for $10-$15 per article or may be less depending on what kind of freelancer he or she is.

So now no need to copy just be original and start earning more by getting more and more loyal visitors to your site for original and latest posts.

Look for the Second Step.

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